Sunday 3 December 2017

Bitten Recap 'Ready'

Image from Bitten, streamed via Netflix
Season 1 Episode 13

Daniel Santos was an idiot and a coward. He was easy to manipulate, which was probably one of the reasons Malcolm Danvers chose him as the face of his assault against Jeremy and the Pack. James Williams was Malcolm Danvers, and it was he who told Jeremy he was a fool not to have used Elena to her full potential all these years. Malcolm wanted Elena. That was what all these challenges to the Pack were about. 

 Most of Ready was spent on the mutts’ assault on Stonehaven. The mutt recruitment swelled the numbers to more than Santos, Marsten and LeBlanc. Even Boggs, the mutt whose teeth Clay removed as punishment for daring to challenge Jeremy, joined in the attack. All the members of the Pack were shown to fight as humans, except for Logan, who fought in wolf form. Logan and Rachel were on their way off the grid when Logan decided to return to Stonehaven and help out his family. At some point, whilst Logan was away, Rachel was kidnapped by Santos’s crew. Logan and Rachel were reunited at Stonehaven, only to be separated again when Malcolm and Nate Parker (the guy who sold the wolf video to Philip) took Rachel with them when they left.

It was Malcolm who sent the baby rattle to Logan and Rachel. It was also Malcolm who left Philip’s severed head on Elena’s bed. At a time when Elena thought she had left her human life behind, just when she told Clay they needed to start tracking mutts again, Malcolm dropped on her a reminder, a casualty of her choice to try and turn her back on the wolf.

Was Malcolm the one who gave Daniel the idea of creating perfect babies with Elena? Whatever Malcolm meant about using Elena to her full potential, it was not clear yet. What was clear was that the Elena who was squeamish about murder was gone. With Daniel defeated and surrounded, she punched her fist through his chest and crushed his heart.

Ready was a culmination of the season long arc of challenges to the power of the Pack. The Pack prevailed, and with Elena’s certain fury for the death of Philip, and Logan’s quest to find Rachel, there was much ground to cover for the next season.


■ Marsten, who had grown disillusioned with Daniel’s leadership, saved Elena from LeBlanc, then asked Jeremy for a quick death. Jeremy decided to keep him alive instead.

■ Along with werewolf history, there were records in Stonehaven of all werewolves. Jeremy told Nick they needed to be torched should the Pack appear to be losing the battle.

■ Jeremy showed Nick a secret passage where he could escape should the battle turn against them. Nick admitted that he tasked Jorge to find his mother. Jeremy said there was no need since he knew where Nick’s mother was.

■ Jorge offered to come to Stonehaven with Joey. Jeremy declined because he wanted a next wave of the Pack to survive should the Stonehaven crew lose the fight. It looked like Jorge was starting to get closer to the inner circle.

■ Logan told Nick that as soon as he found Rachel, the two of them would go off the grid.

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