Sunday 3 December 2017

Bitten Recap 'Caged'

Image from Bitten, streamed via Netflix
Season 1 Episode 12

Elena has spent a large part of the first season spitting anger at Clay for turning her into a werewolf. Now, Jeremy finally told Elena that Clay bit her to give her a second chance at life. When Elena and Clay first arrived at Stonehaven, Jeremy was out running in the grounds of the estate. Elena turned at just the exact time Jeremy was changing back into human form. Elena did not see anything, but Jeremy could not take a chance when it came to maintaining the secrecy of the Pack. Jeremy was going to kill Elena. That was why Clay bit her.

 Elena was horrified to learn that Jeremy allowed Clay to carry the burden of turning her all these years. Jeremy explained that to Clay, it was important to maintain the bond between Elena and Jeremy. It was Jeremy who took Elena in and treated her like a daughter after she successfully turned into a wolf.

Jeremy made his confession after Elena rescued Clay from Daniel Santos and his ilk. Jeremy described Clay as the faithful son; Jeremy, too, showed similar faithfulness when he tried to bargain his own life for Clay’s. Daniel Santos wanted to meet with Elena, and only Elena. Jeremy locked Elena in the cage at the Stonehaven basement and went to meet Santos with Nick. Logan, who was rapidly healing from his wound, let Elena out.

Elena, who managed to warn Daniel Santos about Jeremy and Nick, went on to meet with the jerk. Santos meant to breed werewolves with Elena (*throws up*). If Elena were to align herself with him, Jeremy and the Pack could live, but as mutts, never staying in one place for long.

Santos gave Elena the information she needed without realising it. Santos said Victor Campos was on his way to finish off Philip. Elena laid in wait inside Philip’s apartment, and ambushed Campos. Elena tricked Campos into telling her where Clay was being held, then left him to bleed out on the tub.

Elena lured LeBlanc away from the warehouse, easily fought off Santos, and rendered Marsten unconscious with a ketamine injection. She found Clay alive but in a bad shape. Though Elena disobeyed Jeremy’s orders to rescue Clay, she still returned to Stonehaven with him.

Jeremy was starting to think that Daniel Santos was not the brains behind the operation against the Pack. He and Nick had zeroed in on the mysterious James Williams. Nick has been on Jeremy’s side all this time. He was already fulfilling the role vacated by his father, as the alpha’s consigliere.

Caged could refer to Elena finally allowing the killer within her to be unleashed. It could also mean that she had broken out of the cage of illusion that she could have a normal, human life. Elena sent Philip away for his own safety. At the time when she was beginning to acknowledge how much Clay still meant to her, she was also letting go of the good man she had selfishly dragged into her world of danger.


■ Jorge has now inched closer to the inner circle. Jeremy had him send a team to Philip’s apartment to sanitise if off the presence of Elena and Victor Campos.

■ Marsten did not seem to be in on Santos’s plans for Elena. Marsten was beginning to think aligning with Santos was a mistake.

■ Elena left her cell phone in Santos’s car.

■ Logan and Rachel went to Stonehaven, where Jeremy treated Logan’s wound and heavily implied that the baby was going to be raised by the Pack, away from Rachel. When Jeremy and Nick left to meet with Santos, Elena advised Logan to leave the mansion with Rachel.

■ Philip lied to the police and told them he did not recognise his attackers. He watched the wolf video again and, from his reaction, appears to have put together that Elena could turn into a wolf, and that she was the one on the video.

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