Monday 12 June 2017

Poldark Recap Series 2 Episode 9 The New Master at Trenwith

Image from Poldark, streamed via iFlix
Director: Richard Senior
Writer: Debbie Horsfield
Original Air Date: 6 November 2016

Life obligations has prevented me from spending time on this blog these past few weeks. Things are just starting to wind down, and I am hopeful that I will be able to catch up with my recapping duties soon. The wonderful thing is that, though I have not been able to write recaps, I was able to keep up with my shows. I am up to date with Reign. I have seen the first two episodes of Still Star Crossed. I have also seen the first episode of the third series of Poldark. Though the last recap I posted on this blog was over two weeks ago, the thing is, I have barely been able to work on this blog throughout the month of May. I feel a bit awkward, returning to it now, but I also know that I ought to, for I always feel not myself when I spend even a few weeks away from writing. I have much to catch up on not just on this blog, but at my day job as well, but I do look forward to spending as much of the second half of 2017 as possible on my writing projects. And now, on to a brief recap.

Relations between Ross and Demelza were still tense following Ross's tryst with Elizabeth. Demelza accepted an invitation to a house party, where she attracted the attention of at least three men. Demelza could not go through with a tryst of her own with Captain McNeil, and eventually escaped her host's house and lecherous intentions through the window.

Image from Poldark, streamed via iFlix
His marriage was imploding, but Ross's business prospects were improving. He was in the process of shutting down Wheal Grace when one of the men he helped out previously sought him out. Richard Tonkin and his colleagues were already running a wildly successful boat building business. Their debt to Ross was paid in full, giving Ross the funds he needed to reopen Wheal Grace. A massive lode of tin was found, ensuring not only comfort for his family but wealth.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth waited to Ross to come to her. I love Aunt Agatha, but I must object to her shipping Ross with Elizabeth. When Ross did not appear to be making his mind soon, Elizabeth defiantly married George Warleggan. Though George previously mentioned how his house was four times larger than Trenwith, he decided to make the Poldark ancestral home his own.

Though Ross spent much of this episode making excuses for sleeping with Elizabeth, this is an easier episode to watch than the previous one. I look forward to recapping the final episode of the second series, and move on to the third series, which looks to be a good one.


■ Demelza: 'Tis not my pride that is wounded, Ross. Tis my pride in you.'

■ On why Aunt Agatha never married: '...I've yet to meet the man who could better me. It is the better man we long for, is it not?'

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